asked the Secretary for Mines, what steps he has taken to ensure an adequate supply of oil from coal in this country; and what process is to be adopted?
I would refer the hon. Member to the replies which I gave on 2nd May, 4th July and 1st August to the hon. Member for Stoke (Mr. E. Smith).
asked the Secretary for Mines, what financial interest the Government has in any process of producing oil from coal; and if it is their intention to encourage the development of British processes rather than foreign processes?
The Government has no financial interest in any oil from coal process. Other things being equal, British processes are obviously to be preferred to foreign ones.
asked the Secretary for Mines, how many plants there are in England for producing oil from coal; and whether there are any in Lancashire?
Apart from the large number of coke ovens, gas works and tar distilleries and the production, from Scottish oil shale, which together provided in 1938 58 per cent. of our supplies of home produced motor spirit, there were in operation in that year 13 low temperature carbonisation plants and one hydrogenation plant. None of these latter plants is in Lancashire.