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Czecho-Slovakia (Assets)

Volume 350: debated on Friday 4 August 1939

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asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the present position with regard to the Czech blocked accounts in this country; to how many persons and to what value payment has already been made or is contemplated; the total sum involved and its form; through what channel, apart from the Treasury, the administration is taking place; and with what persons and to what extent conversations have taken place concerning the matter with representatives of the German Government?

I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given to my hon. Friend the Member for East Willesden (Mr. Hammersley) on 13th July and to the hon. Member for South West Bethnal Green (Sir P. Harris) on Tuesday last.

Would the right hon. and gallant Gentleman be good enough to answer the last part of my Question which is not covered in the answer to which he has referred me?

As far as that is concerned I think it was covered. The fact is that there have been no conversations or negotiations subsequent to those informal ones which I reported to the House in the middle of May.

The question asks with what persons and to what extent these conversations have taken place. May I have an answer to that?