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Drug Abuse (Edinburgh And Leith)

Volume 57: debated on Monday 26 March 1984

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asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many people have been treated for illnesses related to drug abuse in Edinburgh and Leith during each of the past five years; and what additional hospital facilities have been introduced to deal with the problem.

Illnesses related to drug misuse present in a wide variety of ways, not all of them easily identified as being associated with drug misuse, and it is not possible to provide accurate information about the total number of persons receiving medical treatment in Edinburgh and Leith for such illnesses. The number of persons with addresses in Leith and in the rest of Edinburgh admitted to psychiatric hospitals in Scotland with a principal diagnosis of drug dependence for the years 1978–82 (the latest five-year period for which this information is available centrally) was:

Rest of Edinburgh2752472331
* 1982 figures provisional.
The number of persons with addresses in Leith and the rest of Edinburgh discharged from general hospitals in Scotland with a diagnosis of drug dependence for the years 1980–82 (the only period for which this information is avaialble centrally) was:

Rest of Edinburgh445872
Patients in Edinburgh requiring hospital treatment for drug misuse are mainly referred to the Royal Edinburgh hospital where there has recently been a very substantial increase in the amount of consultant time devoted to the care of such patients.

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many people have died from causes related to drug abuse in Edinburgh and Leith during each of the past five years.

Deaths of persons usually resident in the City of Edinburgh district for which the underlying cause was in one of the relevant ICD* categories and which related to drugs controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 are shown in the table below. There were no such deaths of persons usually resident in postal district EH6, which includes Leith.

Deaths from selected causes: City of Edinburgh District
Drug dependence or non dependent abuse of drugst†11212
Accident, suicide, homicide‡11144

Notes:* Provisional

†ICD* codes 304, 305.2–305.9

‡ICD* codes E850.0, E850.8 E854.1–E854.3, E855.2, E858.1, E950.0, E950.3, E950.4, E962.0, E980.0, E980.3, E980.4

* International Classification of Diseases