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Agriculture and Fisheries Council

Volume 635: debated on Thursday 25 January 2018

Agriculture and Fisheries Council will take place on 29 January in Brussels.

As the provisional agenda stands, the primary focus will be information from the European Commission on “The Future of Food and Farming”, looking towards the next cycle of the common agricultural policy.

The Bulgarian presidency will present its work programme for the remainder of this term, finishing at the end of June. The European Commission will update the Council on the situation in EU agricultural markets, and on trade-related agricultural issues.

There are currently three items scheduled under “any other business”:

situation in the sugar market after the abolition of the quota system

situation in the pig-meat market

conclusions from the ministerial conference on Xylella fastidiosa (Paris, 1 December 2017).

Until exit negotiations are concluded, the UK remains a full member of the European Union and all the rights and obligations of EU membership remain in force. The outcome of these negotiations will determine what arrangements apply in relation to EU legislation in future once the UK has left the EU.
