In addition to changes in funding at supplementary estimates 2022-23, and in line with the statement of funding policy, the Welsh Government are switching £65.000 million from resource DEL to capital DEL (general).
The Scottish Government have also been provided with an additional £16.300 million resource DEL in relation to the implementation of international financial reporting standard 16 (IFRS16).
Revised 2022-23 funding is as follows:
£ million Scottish Government Welsh Government Resource DEL excluding depreciation1 36,009.512 15,576.221 Capital DEL (general) 6,063.628 2,694.523 Capital DEL (financial transactions) 348.742 194.714 Total DEL 42,421.882 18,465.457 1Due to the scale of tax devolution in Scotland, Scottish Government DEL funding is shown excluding tax and welfare block grant adjustments. Welsh Government DEL funding is shown including tax block grant adjustments.