Housing (Statistics) Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the number of houses erected by the various councils in the Metropolitan area since May, 1930, to the last convenient date? Mr. GREENWOOD During the period June to September, 1930, 1,204 houses were completed by the London County Council, 93 by the Metropolitan Borough Council of Poplar, and eight by the Metropolitan Borough Council of Lambeth. Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the average superficial area of A-type non-parlour houses included in contracts let by or in direct labour schemes of local authorities in England and Wales during the years 1928, 1929, and 1930 respectively? Mr. GREENWOOD The average superficial areas were, in 1928, 762 square feet; in 1929, 766 square feet; and during the nine months from January to September, 1930, inclusive, 763 square feet. Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the average cost of non-parlour and parlour houses in contracts let by and in approved direct labour schemes of local authorities in England and Wales since 31st December, 1929? Mr. GREENWOOD The average cost. (excluding the cost of land, roads and sewers) during the period from 1st January to 30th September, 1930, was, for non-parlour houses £337, and for parlour houses £405. Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the number of slum-clearance schemes since 31st March, 1930, to the last convenient date confirmed, completed, and in course of execution at the end of such period, respectively? Mr. GREENWOOD At 30th June, 1930 (the latest date to which complete figures are at present available), 71 slum clearance schemes remained to be completed in England and Wales. Two such schemes were completed between 31st March, 1930, and 30th June, 1930, and none were confirmed during that period. Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the number of houses erected in each month during 1930 in agricultural parishes in England and Wales under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924? Mr. GREENWOOD The following statement gives the desired particulars: ----------- | | ----------- |January |…|…| ----------- |February |…|…| ----------- |March |…|…| ----------- |April |…|…| ----------- |May |…|…| ----------- |June |…|…| ----------- |July |…|…| ----------- |August |…|…| ----------- |September|…|…| ----------- Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health if he will state the average price of non-parlour and parlour houses, respectively, included in contracts let by or in direct labour schemes of local authorities in England and Wales during each month since May, 1930? Mr. GREENWOOD The following statement gives the desired particulars (excluding the cost of lands, roads and sewers) for each month from June to September, 1930, inclusive: ----------------- | | ----------------- |June, 1930 | ----------------- |July, 1930 | ----------------- |August, 1930 | ----------------- |September, 1930| ----------------- Sir K. WOOD asked the Minister of Health whether he can give the latest returns showing the progress under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, 1926? Mr. GREENWOOD Up to the end of June last, the latest date to which complete information is at present available, assistance had been promised under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, 1926, in respect of 3,308 dwellings in England and-------------------------- | | | | -------------------------- |30th September, 1929|…|…| -------------------------- |31st December, 1929 |…|…| -------------------------- |31st March, 1930 |…|…| -------------------------- |30th June, 1930 |…|…| -------------------------- |30th September, 1930|…|…| -------------------------- Returns as to houses erected without State assistance are obtained half-yearly only, to the end of March and September respectively. The number of such houses of a rateable value not exceeding £78 (or £105 in the Metropolitan Police District) erected during the six months ended in September, 1929, was 38,298 and during the six months ended in March last 53,393. Complete figures for the six months ended in September last are not yet available.