Conveyances, Transfers And Leases 19. "That the stamp duties charged under or by reference to the headings Conveyance or Transfer, whether on sale or otherwise,' 'Conveyance or Transfer on sale of any property 'and' Lease or Tack' in the First Schedule to the Stamp Act, 1891, shall be double those now chargeable, but this Resolution— (a) shall not affect the operation of any enactment limiting an ad valorem duty to ten shillings in certain cases;(b) shall not apply to the duty chargeable on any conveyance or transfer on sale, other than of any stocks (including units under a unit trust scheme) or marketable securities, or to the duty chargeable in respect of any consideration other than rent for a lease at a rent not exceeding twenty pounds a year where the conveyance or transfer or the lease is not a transaction, and does not form part of a larger transaction, or of a series of transactions, in respect of which the amount or value of the aggregate amount or value of the consideration exceeds fifteen hundred pounds; and(c) shall not apply to the duty chargeable on a lease (other than a lease operating as a voluntary disposition inter vivos) for an indefinite term or a term not exceeding thirtyfive years where the sole consideration is a rent not exceeding one hundred pounds a year."