Youth Training Mr. Tom Cox asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many people who have been on youth training or youth opportunity schemes have found work after training in each of the last five years in the Greater London area; and what percentage this represents of those who have been on such schemes. Mr. Peter Morrison Valid information on the destination of leavers is not available at regional level for young people who took part in the youth opportunities programme. It is intended that by about June 1985 regional information will be available on a regular basis for youth training scheme leavers. more than three quarters if all applicants, (c) more than half of all applicants and (d) more than a quarter of all applicants, respectively. Mr. Peter Morrison The information is not available in the precise form requested. Information based on the Manpower Services Commission's 1984 survey of youth training scheme providers is as follows: Mr. Janner asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will take steps to encourage young people of Asian and West Indian origin to apply for places on mode A youth training schemes. Mr. Peter Morrison The Manpower Services Commission actively pursues an equal opportunities policy and encourages the participation of all eligible youngsters in mode A schemes wherever possible. Mr. Janner asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many, and what percentage, of young people on youth training schemes, mode A, in the years for which records are available were of (a) West Indian and (b) Asian origin. Mr. Peter Morrison The available information is as follows.---------------- |Ethnic group | ---------------- |Afro-Caribbean| ---------------- |Asian | ---------------- |Afro-Caribbean| ---------------- |Asian | ---------------- Mr. Beith asked the Secretary of State for Employment what is the average annual cost of a youth training scheme training place, modes A and B. Mr. Peter Morrison The latest estimated cost for 1984–85 of a full year entrant on the youth training scheme is:- -- || -- These figures exclude the cost of unfilled places, vacated places, travel costs, lodging allowances, etc.