Parliamentary Papers Mr. Lawson asked the Minister for the Civil Service what is the reason for the difference between the figures given for the total extra capital cost of retaining the present variety of sizes of parliamentary papers instead of standardising on A4, contained in his Written Answer to the hon. Member for Coventry, North-East (Mr. Park) Official Report, 9th March, c. 549–51, viz.: £182,000 plus £417,000, totalling £599,000, and the figure given for the total saving on capital cost consequent on standardising on A4, contained in his Written Answer to the hon. Member for Blaby, Official Report, 14th March, c. 26–7, viz., £805,000. Mr. Charles R. Morris Web-fed lithographic printing machines that are capable of producing both Royal Octavo and A4 are considerably more expensive than those that are suitable only for A4. The saving of £182,000 plus £417,000 totalling £599,000 was calculated on the assumption that Bills, Acts and Select Committee Reports would remain in the current Royal Octavo size but that other major items would change to A4. A capital saving of £805,000 applied to the standardisation of all items on A4.