Export Journals Sir W. Bromley-Davenport asked the President of the Board of Trade what assistance is given by his Department to British export journals with a view to assisting their adequate distribution overseas in the interests of promoting exports. Mr. Maudling Through their "Wrapper Scheme", the Board of Trade pay the cost of sending to about 300 of Her Majesty's Missions abroad, for display and local distribution, 185,000 copies annually of trade and technical journals published in the United Kingdom. About 250 titles are involved, including all the principal United Kingdom export journals.Her Majesty's commercial and information officers overseas provide publishers of United Kingdom export journals on request with lists of people in their territoreis to whom copies can usefully be sent.The Board include a prominent display of the appropriate United Kingdom export: journals in the majority of their exhibits at trade fairs overseas. Miss Pike One hundred and ten are on the waiting list. There are also 164 applications under inquiry or in course of being met.