Nato (British Contribution) Mr. Alan Lee Williams asked the Secretary of State for Defence what has been the United Kingdom contribution to NATO's Military Medical Working Group since 1971. Mr. Mason I assume that the Question refers to the medical sub-group of Eurogroup, which was established in 1971. The United Kingdom's particular contribution to this group has been to sponsor a study of the rationalisation of field medical organisation and to conduct a course in the management of mass casualties for personnel of member countries. Mr. Alan Lee Williams asked the Secretary of State for Defence what has been the United Kingdom contribution to NATO's Working Group for European Armaments Planning since 1971. Mr. Mason I assume that my hon. Friend is referring to the Eurogroup National Armaments Directors (EURONAD). Britain has played a leading part in the work of this sub-group of the Eurogroup since its first meeting at the beginning of 1972.Following my initiative at the Eurogroup meeting last June, Eurogroup Ministers have now instructed EURONAD to proceed with a joint examination of national forward plans for equipment procurement, with the object of ensuring that all worthwhile opportunities for collaboration are taken up. As I have made clear to the House, I attach great importance to this work in the interests of standardisation and of the efficient use of resources.