Married Quarters Mr. Hendry To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what was the cost of providing security for empty Ministry of Defence married quarters over the past year. Mr. Hanley I refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave him on 16 July, Official Reply, column 723. The cost of caretaking covers security. Mr. Hendry To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his policy towards residence by widows of late service personnel with children in Ministry of Defence married quarters not required for use. Mr. Hanley All widows of late service personnel are allowed to remain in a married quarter for up to six months after the death of their husband. Procedures vary slightly within individual services, but all widows continue to pay the standard accommodation charge during this period. Accommodation may sometimes be available in surplus married quarters and widows may be allowed to remain there beyond the six-month period until they have found alternative accommodation, so long as there are no pressing service requirements for the property. Mr. Hendry To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many discount sales of Ministry of Defence married quarters have been made in the past year to service personnel leaving the forces. Mr. Hanley Further to the answer I gave my hon. Friend on 20 July 1993, Official Report, column 165, during 1992–93, 346 sales were completed through the services discount scheme.