Computer Equipment Mr. Milburn To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if she will list the top 10 suppliers of computer equipment to her Department and its agencies in the last five years, indicating the total value of the contracts received. [34557] Mr. Sproat [holding answer 14 July 1995]: The Department of National Heritage was established on 13 April 1992 and the Royal Parks Agency was established on 1 April 1993 so figures are only available from those dates. The top 10 suppliers of computer equipment to the Department of National Heritage and its agencies were: -------------------- | | -------------------- |Sema | -------------------- |MHG Systems | -------------------- |Fraser Associates | -------------------- |Select Ticketing | -------------------- |Apricot | -------------------- |TET | -------------------- |Sky High Computers| -------------------- |Dell | -------------------- |IBEX | -------------------- |INMAC | --------------------