Medical Examination 30. Sir Assheton Pownall asked the Secretary of State for War the position of a candidate in possession of an Officers' Training Corps certificate A who has been accepted by an officer commanding a unit for a temporary com mission, after undergoing training with an officer cadet training unit, and has been graded A1 in the medical examination in every respect other than that of vision, where the category given is A2; whether the necessity to wear glasses when on duty precludes such candidates from entry; and whether such a rule has general application to the Army as a whole? Sir V. Warrender Acceptance or rejection, so far as vision is concerned, would depend on the degree of the visual defect, and this would be decided before a candidate goes to an officer cadet training unit. The necessity to wear glasses does not, in itself, preclude candidates from entry, and this applies generally throughout the Army. Colonel Arthur Evans Does not the medical grade A2 amount to rejection? Sir V. Warrender I should like to have notice of that question.