Castle Point District Council (Development Programme) Sir Bernard Braine asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what steps he is taking to assist the Castle Point district council to meet the heavy financial implications for local ratepayers of the recommendation of the Health and Safety Executive that there shall be no new development within a radius of 1 km. of the Canvey methane gas terminal, which is designated as a major industrial hazard; and whether, in view of the serious problems this recommendation is causing to both residents and the local authorities, he will state a date by which he will announce his proposals. Mr. Shore I met the hon. Member with representatives of the Castle Point district council on 11th December to discuss these matters. The council has since sought assistance from the Department with the preparation of a development control policy for the island and a central Government contribution towards compensation which might be payable as a result of any planning restrictions which may be imposed.In reaching a conclusion about their development control policy my Department and the Council will want to take the latest advice of the Health and Safety Executive which advises my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment on the safety aspects of installations in the area. The financial implications of any such policy would relate to possible future claims under the purchase notice procedure if land became incapable of reasonably beneficial use. The basis for compensation has, therefore, yet to be established.It is proposed to arrange a meeting shortly between officials of the Department and the district council, and to invite representatives of Essex county council.