Offshore Trusts Mr. Lilley To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the tax treatment of capital gains on shares held for a United Kingdom beneficiary in an offshore trust in Guernsey. [19006] Mr. Gordon Brown [holding answer 4 December 1997]: The tax treatment is set out in Section 86 and Schedule 5 of the Taxation of chargeable Gains Act 1992. Mr. Lilley To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if the Paymaster General (a) receives papers and (b) participates in meetings relating to taxation of offshore trusts and the closing of tax loopholes. [19004] Mr. Gordon Brown [holding answer 4 December 1997]: I consult widely with colleagues on a variety of policy issues but any decisions are made by me. Mr. Lilley To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer to what extent the Paymaster General has been involved in policy discussions relating to the taxation of offshore trusts. [19002] Mr. Gordon Brown [holding answer 4 December 1997]: Wide ranging reviews of taxation issues are currently under way. The results of these reviews will be announced to Parliament in the usual way.