Exports Mr. Ellis Smith asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will set out in tabular form the import prices, export prices and terms of trade in the years 1950, 1954, 1958, 1960, and 1961; whether United Kingdom terms of trade are more favourable than they were; and why United Kingdom exports have not greatly increased in view of the world expansion of trade. Mr. Erroll Details of import and export prices and of the terms of trade are published regularly in the Report on Overseas Trade and the Board of Trade Journal. There has been an improvement in our terms of trade; but in so far as this reflects lower commodity prices it has reduced the opportunities for trade with primary producing countries which take about half our exports. Nevertheless our total exports have increased by about 70 per cent. in value since 1950. Mr. Ellis Smith asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what recent action has been taken by Her Majesty's Trade Commissioners in Australia, New Zealand and Canada to increase the importation of British manufactured pottery, tiles and sanitary products; and what further action it is intended to take; (2) what action has been taken by Her Majesty's Trade Commissioners in the United States of America to increase the importation of Stoke-on-Trent pottery; and what further action it is intended to take. Mr. Erroll Trade Commissioners in Commonwealth countries and Embassy and Consular posts in the U.S.A. are in close and frequent touch with the pottery industry both by correspondence and by personal contacts in this country and overseas. I have been assured that pottery manufacturers are getting valuable help from them in various ways: for example, they provide market reports and they assist in finding agents for particular firms, in presenting cases against tariff increases and in the staging of trade exhibitions and fairs. These activities will continue. The Board of Trade will be glad to consider any proposals that the industry may have for further action designed to bring about an increase of exports.