London Dance Clubs (Alcoholic Refreshment) Viscount CURZON asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that special licence facilities for the consumption of liquid refreshment have been granted to certain well known and well conducted dance clubs in London for some time for a limited number of occasions; that in a certain club known as Murray's, on the instruction of the Commissioner of Police, these facilities have been refused; what are the reasons for this action in this particular instance; whether the police have any reason to complain of this establishment; whether such action has been taken in all other cases; and whether this matter can be reconsidered? Mr. BRIDGEMAN I am informed that the Commissioner of Police on two recent occasions has declined to grant exemptions to the club in question on the ground that in the particular circum- stances, and having regard to the frequency of similar applications from that club, he did not consider that it would be proper to grant exemptions under a power which is limited by the Statute to special occasions. The same principles are applied to the consideration of all similar applications, whether from clubs or licensed premises, and I have no reason to think that they or the decisions resulting from them are wrong.