Large Houses (Accommodation) 43. Mr. Alpass asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that there are many residences in the country containing considerable living accommodation which, at present, is not used; and whether he will instruct local authorities to use their powers to make this accommodation available for those at present in need. Mr. Bevan I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Stafford (Captain Swingler) on 16th November. Mr. Alpass Is the Minister aware that within the shadow of one of these great residences in my constituency there is a family, absolutely unable to obtain accommodation, which is threatened with eviction, and will he cause inquiries to be made and appropriate action taken to prevent this injustice? Mr. Bevan If my hon. Friend will bring the case he mentions to my attention, I will have it investigated. There are probably a number of instances of the same kind.