Crime (Merseyside) Mrs. Curtis-Thomas To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department which areas in Merseyside are considered high crime areas; and if he will make a statement on measures taken to reduce crime in these places. Mr. McNulty There are five Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in Merseyside, of which only Liverpool is defined as a high crime area for the purposes of the Home Office Public Service Agreement 1. A range of measures have been put in place to reduce crime in Liverpool. It participates in targeted initiatives such as the Drugs Intervention Programme, the Tackling Violent Crime Programme and the Alcohol Misuse Enforcement Campaign, as well as the Prolific and Priority Offenders Strategy, which has been rolled out to all local areas to enable them to deal with their most problematic offenders. Merseyside is also a Specialist Domestic Violence Court Programme roll out area with specialist courts, supported through funding by the Home Office, developing across the Criminal Justice Area. Further measures tackle burglary, robbery, vehicle crime, antisocial behaviour and hate crime.