Ministerial Office and Staff Mr. Amess To ask the Deputy Prime Minister pursuant to the answer of 22 May 2006, Official Report, column 1385W, on his ministerial office and staff, when he expects the administrative support arrangements to be finalised; if he will place in the Library the details of these arrangements when finalised, together with cost of the changes; and if he will make a statement. Norman Baker To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many staff are employed in his private office; and whether he plans to increase the number. Sir Paul Beresford To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what the planned annual staffing (a) budget and (b) level is of his office over the next three years; and how many posts are vacant. The Deputy Prime Minister I am being supported in my duties by a private office and a small secretariat, as well as officials from the Cabinet Office and other Government Departments as relevant to my role. Staffing and expenditure will be accounted for in the usual way.