Israel and Palestine: Military Hostage Lord Dykes asked Her Majesty's Government: What representations they have made to the Government of Israel regarding their military response to the kidnapping of one Israel Defence Force soldier.[HL6665] The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Triesman) My right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary discussed the current situation in Gaza with Foreign Minister Livni on 25 June and we are in regular contact with the Israeli Government. Any military steps taken should avoid civilian casualties, abide by international law and observe the principle of proportionality. We call for the immediate and unconditional release of Corporal Shalit. As my right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary said on 25 June: “I was very disturbed to learn of this serious terrorist attack at Sufa. I send my condolences to the families of those Israeli soldiers who have died. Such continued violence makes the prospect of a negotiated, peaceful resolution more distant”. Lord Dykes asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether, as quartet participants, they have had discussions with the Government of the United States on the Government of Israel's decision not to follow the request to use diplomatic channels to resolve the latest military hostage crisis.[HL6667] Lord Triesman At the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow on 29 June, my right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary discussed the current situation in Gaza with her US counterpart. The UK is indirectly a member of the quartet (EU, US, UN and Russia) and all quartet members have individually urged Israel to act with restraint. Our ambassador in Tel Aviv and consul general in Jerusalem stay in regular contact with their US counterparts.