Railways Mr. Carmichael To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what changes in (a) legislation and (b) guidance issued by his Department or its agencies there have been since the publication of the Strategic Rail Authority’s review of rail fares policy. Derek Twigg There have been no changes to legislation or guidance. The review considered the fares regulation policy contained in the franchise agreements between the Strategic Rail Authority (SRA) and train operators. Franchise agreements were changed with effect from January 2004 to reflect the new fares policy. Dr. Starkey To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what improvements to train services are proposed as part of (a) the West Midlands franchise from 2007 and (b) the 2008 timetable following increased capacity at Milton Keynes in terms of reinstatement of direct Milton Keynes to Birmingham services in addition to inter-city services. Derek Twigg From November 2007, when the West Midlands franchise commences, there will be no changes to the existing overall pattern of services between Milton Keynes and Birmingham. There will be an hourly direct inter-city service but no regular direct “local” West Midlands franchise service via Northampton. Network Rail is currently undertaking the detailed development of the December 2008 timetable. From this date, as set out in the West Coast Main Line Strategy, there will continue to be an hourly direct inter-city service between Milton Keynes and Birmingham. It is also possible that certain local London-Northampton and Northampton-Birmingham services to be operated by the West Midlands franchise may be linked at Northampton, thus providing additional direct services between Milton Keynes and Birmingham. However, this cannot be confirmed until Network Rail’s timetable development work is completed later in 2006. Miss McIntosh To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will make a statement on progress towards a new high speed railway link between England and Scotland. Derek Twigg The Government made a manifesto commitment to look at the feasibility and affordability of a new north-south high-speed link. The Government have committed to take this forward in the development of a long term strategy for the railways, drawing on Sir Rod Eddington’s advice on the long-term impact of transport decisions on the UK’s productivity, stability and growth. This work will report when the rail strategy is published in summer 2007.