Infrastructure Funding Mr. Soames To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what representations she has received from the South East England Development Agency with respect to infrastructure funding in (a) the South East and (b) Mid Sussex. Angela E. Smith The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has not received any specific representations from SEEDA with respect to infrastructure funding in (a) the South East or (b) Mid Sussex. However, SEEDA, the South East regional assembly and Government office for the south east recently submitted advice to Government, as requested in July 2005, on “the proposed expenditure of regional transport funding allocations for the three years up to and including 2007-08, in line with the regional housing and economic development allocations already published, and indicative longer term planning assumptions up to 2015-16, across the three funding streams”. The South East advice on this ‘Regional Funding Allocation’ included reference to a scheme in mid-Sussex and a proposal for a Regional Infrastructure Fund covering the whole of the South East; the document can be found on the SEEDA website at: The recommended regional programme for transport schemes was accepted, including the A23 Hancross to Warninglid widening in Mid Sussex as an approved scheme in the indicative 2009-10 to 2015-16 list. Mr. Soames To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for what green infrastructure her Department proposes to allocate funding in Mid Sussex. Angela E. Smith It is for local planning authorities to determine what their specific infrastructure requirements are, and they should try to ensure that as far as possible these needs are met through the appropriate use of planning conditions and section 106 Agreements. We have provided advice on the use of these mechanisms in “The Planning System: General Principles” (Planning Policy Statement 1: Sustainable Development), in Circular 11/95 “Use of conditions in Planning Permissions” and Circular 05/05 “Planning Obligations”. An opportunity for local authorities to promote green infrastructure has been available through the implementation plan submitted with the draft Regional Spatial Strategy, the South East Plan. This was prepared by the South East Regional Assembly in conjunction with sub-regional partners and stakeholders and includes schedules of a wide range of infrastructure requirements with an indication of funding sources and reference to lead agencies. We understand that a revised implementation plan is being prepared by the Assembly for the Examination in Public later this year, where it will be discussed through the independent panel. My Department has made special arrangements to support ‘green infrastructure’ projects in the growth areas of Ashford, Aylesbury and Milton Keynes, through the growth area funds. The Government response to the Barker report outlined that 10 per cent. of growth area funds are to be used for green spaces. However, given that Mid Sussex is not designated as a growth area and no current new growth point proposals include the hon. Member’s constituency, this specific funding is not available in Mid Sussex.