Consultation: Northern Ireland Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government: Regarding Section 75 groups recognised by paragraphs 4 and 5 of Schedule 9 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998, whether the groups consulted by the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland responded to any consultation; to what extent and in what form they addressed equality of opportunity issues, and whether any suggestions were made leading to a change in proposed policies.[HL7559] Lord Rooker For every equality-related consultation issued, policy makers record to whom consultations were issued, who responded and what was stated. This information is included in final policy documents, which are then published on the department's website. It is difficult to identify specific changes to apolicy as a result of consultation alone, as equalityis mainstreamed effectively into decision-making throughout the policy development cycle. Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government: Further to the Written Answer by the Lord Rooker on 25 October (HL 7589), why Northern Ireland Members of the House of Lords are not included in the list of those people who are consulted under equality legislation.[HL7964] Lord Rooker The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister maintains guidance on the distribution of departmental publications which includes a list of individuals, groups and organisations that should be sent all government consultations on policy proposals and proposals for draft Orders in Council and statutory rules. All political parties in Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland Members of the House of Lords are included on this list. In addition to this core list, each government department holds a supplemental Section 75 consultation list, as required by their equality schemes. This list contains all those individuals, groups and organisations that have requested to be consulted specifically on equality issues. Northern Ireland Members of the House of Lords are not included on the supplemental Section 75 consultation list because they are already on the core list of those who are always consulted. Both lists are used simultaneously when sending out consultations under equality legislation. Lord Maginnis of Drumglass asked Her Majesty's Government: What issues necessitated the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety embarking on its Consultation on a Strategy and Action Plan to Promote Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights in Health and Social Services exercise.[HL8080] Lord Rooker The purpose of the consultation is to further the understanding of the department and the health and personal social services (HPSS) of a range of issues affecting people’s access to health and social services and their experience of these services. Lord Maginnis of Drumglass asked Her Majesty's Government: What is the total budget for the consultative exercise at the Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Consultation on a Strategy and Action Plan to Promote Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights in Health and Social Services; how many staff are working on this exercise; and at what management level and by whom such a study was authorised.[HL8081] Lord Rooker The strategy document has been published on the department's website rather than by print-run. A small number of hard copies have been sent to voluntary-sector bodies with a particular interest in equality issues. The non-salary costs of the consultation are therefore limited to postage and stationery and amount to under £200. Four DHSSPS staff have worked on the strategy and action plan, none of whom has worked exclusively or primarily on this project. The development of the strategy and action plan was authorised by the departmental board.