Business Link Anne Main To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what progress he has made on the regionalisation of Business Link. Margaret Hodge The regional development agencies (RDAs) became responsible for managing Business Link in April 2005. Individual RDAs determine how they deliver the business link service in their region. Some RDAs have decided to implement a centralised management structure, whilst others have decided to retain a local Business Link structure. The RDAs seek approval from the DTI Secretary of State for their plans by submitting their proposals to the Central Project Review Group (CPRG) made up of representatives from DTI, Treasury and SBS. The RDAs that have already received approval for their proposals are: London Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands and East Midlands Development Agency. The Northwest Development Agency, East of England Development Agency, One North East and the South East of England Development Agency are currently awaiting approval. Yorkshire and Humberside and South West Development agencies have yet to make their applications for approval.