Wind Power Mrs. Moon To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what discussions he has had with E.ON since January 2005 on the level of financial support for off-shore wind farms; and if he will make a statement. Malcolm Wicks DTI officials have regular meetings with E.ON to monitor progress on the Round One offshore wind farm projects at Scroby Sands and Robin Rigg, which have been awarded capital grants. Officials have also met E.ON to discuss the current consultation on the renewables obligation, including the future support for offshore wind. Mr. David Hamilton To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how much energy from wind power is being directed to the National Grid. Malcolm Wicks The installed capacity of wind power in the UK currently stands at 1,943 MW. For 2005, the last year for which we have figures, electricity generation from wind power was 2,908 GWh.