Climate Change Daniel Kawczynski To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what advice and guidance he has provided for farmers on the effects of climate change and the potential effects it will have on how crops are grown in the future. Ian Pearson For agriculture, as for all sectors, our key advice is that businesses should consider the risks and the opportunities of a changing climate as an integral part of business planning. The impact of climate change on businesses will vary, and it is best that farmers and other decision-makers adapt to match their own circumstances, based on clear and relevant information from the Government. The UK Climate Change Impacts Programme ( is a DEFRA-funded resource and outreach service that facilitates advice and guidance on impacts and adaptation for the public and private sectors. It is very active in engaging and advising the farming sector, for example in holding a joint seminar this September with the National Farmers' Union and the Country Land and Business Association. At a more strategic level, the Government have set up the Rural Climate Change Forum as a high-level forum for discussion, input into policy development, and communication with land managers on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Forum has discussed practical actions for adaptation, how best to communicate key messages on climate change to this sector, and has advised the Government on the development of climate change policy. To support this activity the Government will continue to fund research on impacts and adaptation responses for land managers. Understanding of these issues is supported within DEFRA by an on-going research programme of £4 million into both the impacts of climate change on agriculture, and the means through which agriculture can contribute to reducing emissions. This work is complemented by knowledge transfer programmes to ensure this information reaches farmers and their advisers.