Energy Crops Daniel Kawczynski To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps he is taking to provide farmers with (a) information and (b) guidelines on the (i) production and (ii) support for production of energy crops. Ian Pearson DEFRA officials attend agricultural shows, workshops, seminars and conferences to explain the financial support and guidance that is available. DEFRA also provides articles for relevant farming journals and newsletters. Local support teams, set up under the Community Renewables Initiative, which is part-sponsored by DEFRA, also help to raise awareness. DEFRA’s website gives details of the payments available to help establish energy crops and to develop supply lines. Best practice guidance booklets are available for growing short rotation coppice and miscanthus. These advise on the choice of site, planting techniques, crop management and harvesting methods. The Biomass Energy Centre ( provides detailed information on all aspects of growing and supplying energy crops. The centre is supported by the Government and aim to draw together information from existing sources into one easy to use service based around the website and an information inquiry service. Further information is available on the DEFRA website at: