Renaissance in the Regions Mr. Vaizey To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how much her Department has spent administering the Renaissance in the Regions scheme. Mr. Lammy The Renaissance in the Regions programme is administered by a small central team at the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). The total cost of the MLA's administration team to date has been less than 1 per cent. of the Renaissance programme budget. Details are set out in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------- | |Number of staff|Total administration cost (£)| ------------------------------------------------------- |2002-03|1 |45,000 | ------------------------------------------------------- |2003-04|3 |135,000 | ------------------------------------------------------- |2004-05|4 |180,000 | ------------------------------------------------------- |2005-06|5 |225,000 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Total |— |585,000 | ------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Vaizey To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what measures the Government are taking to encourage London galleries to loan works of art to galleries outside the capital. Mr. Lammy The Department encourages national museums to loan collection pieces by means of a specific performance indicator incorporated into funding agreements. This measures “all venues to which objects from the collection are loaned”. Our consultation document “Understanding the Future: Priorities for England’s Museums”, published on 23 October suggests that new collaborative approaches to sharing and developing collections should be created over the next decade. This will build on the strong base of partnership working, which already exists.