Gender Equality John Bercow To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what steps he is taking to ensure that private organisations contracted to work (a) in his Department and (b) for non-Departmental public bodies and executive agencies for which his Department is responsible are aware of their duties under gender equality legislation when exercising public functions on behalf of public bodies. Derek Twigg In conjunction with its overarching Equality and Diversity Scheme 2006-09 the Department has also published a set of associated Action Plans to cover the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007, setting out our programme of proposed actions. As part of this programme there is an action to review our standard conditions of contract DEFCON 516 with representatives from the Defence Industry Trade Association, to ensure that we meet our duty obligations in respect of gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation and religion or belief and in Northern Ireland, duties under the Fair Employment Legislation. Copies of the MOD Equality and Diversity Scheme 2006-09 and its associated Action Plans are available in the Library of the House and have also been published on the Department’s website. John Bercow To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has to carry out gender impact assessments of his Department’s major policy developments and new legislation. Derek Twigg In order to meet the specific duties placed on the Department one of the major requirements of the MOD’s Equality and Diversity Scheme 2006-09, is to undertake diversity impact assessments (including gender) of the Department’s functions, policies, procedures and services, subject to relevance and proportionality. To assist with impact assessment an Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment Tool has been developed which enables MOD policy sponsors, and service providers to impact assess their areas of work in respect of equality and diversity issues. Progress against this requirement will be detailed in our annual reports against our Scheme. John Bercow To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what steps he is taking to ensure that (a) his Department and (b) the non-departmental public bodies and executive agencies for which he is responsible are taking steps to meet the requirements of the forthcoming duty on public bodies (i) to end unlawful discrimination and harassment and (ii) to promote equality between women and men. Derek Twigg The Ministry of Defence has adopted a unified philosophy to equality and diversity issues at a strategic level which is reflected in our Unified Diversity Strategy (UDS). The UDS ensures the development of equality and diversity action plans throughout the organisation which are relevant to and reflective of the respective requirements of the armed forces, civilians, MOD police and executive agencies. This strategy is underpinned by clear and robust equality and diversity policies covering all aspects of the Department's work. The steps the Department has already taken to meet the requirements of the forthcoming duties are the publication of its overarching equality and diversity scheme 2006 to 2009 and associated action plans for 2006-07. A major requirement of our scheme is the obligation to undertake diversity impact assessments of the Department’s functions, policies, procedures and services, subject to relevance and proportionality. This is also supported by a Training Management Framework to ensure that our entire workforce, uniformed and civilian, are properly trained, that their awareness is raised and that they are sensitive to diversity issues. There are several levels of training from our initial induction courses through to specialist training for specific posts. A copy of the Unified Diversity Strategy is available in the Library of the House and it has been published on the Department's website.