Health: Pathology Lord Alderdice asked Her Majesty's Government: What cost benefit analysis was conducted to justify the conclusions and proposals contained in the recently published report The Future of Pathology Services in Northern Ireland.[HL535] Lord Rooker In making its recommendations, the review group considered the need to provide cost-effective pathology services that would meet anticipated demands. The group examined data concerning income, expenditure and activity within pathology services, and value for money was one of the criteria against which the group evaluated its proposals for the configuration of services. The report recognises that delivery of the group's vision for pathology services will require changes in the way the service uses existing resources. The report’s recommendations, which aim to ensure the sustainability of high-quality laboratory services across Northern Ireland, are currently the subject of a public consultation, which runs until 28 February 2007. Once the policy direction has been finalised, taking into account the responses to the consultation, a detailed implementation plan will be developed. Lord Alderdice asked Her Majesty's Government: What are the expected costs of the new laboratory facilities which will need to be provided in the event of the implementation of the recommendations in the report The Future of Pathology Services in Northern Ireland.[HL536] Lord Rooker This information is not available at present. The health and personal social services are taking forward a £2.9 billion programme of investment over the next 10 years, which will modernise Northern Ireland's hospital, community and primary care infrastructure. Proposals for new laboratory facilities, consistent with the proposals in The Future of Pathology Services in Northern Ireland and subject to the outcome of the current consultation, will be brought forward as part of the site-wide hospital business cases currently being developed.