Single Parents Lynne Featherstone To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many single parents there were in London, broken down by constituency in each quarter from 2000-01 to 2006-07; and if he will make a statement. John Healey [holding answer 7 December 2006]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply. Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 12 December 2006: As National Statistician I have been asked to reply to your request for numbers of lone parents in London for each quarter from 2000-01 to 2006-07, broken down by constituency. (104978) Numbers of lone parents are not readily available by quarter for parliamentary constituencies. The most recent published figures for the number of lone parent families in each parliamentary constituency in London are available from the 2001 Census. These can be found in table CAS 007 on the 2001 Census CD Census Area Statistics for Parliamentary Constituencies, which is available in the House of Commons Library.