Species Recovery Programme Mr. Walter To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much of Natural England’s budget has been allocated to the Species Recovery Programme; and how much English Nature allocated to the programme in 2005. Barry Gardiner I am informed by Natural England that the budget allocated to the species recovery work in this financial year is £1.1 million. Further benefits to species will accrue through other Natural England spending, particularly via agri-environment schemes, work on SSSIs and National Nature Reserves. The budget allocated to the Species Recovery Programme by English Nature in 2005-06 was £1.3 million. Mr. Walter To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if he will take steps to ensure that the budget allocated to the Species Recovery Programme will be sufficient to ensure the continued funding of programmes to reverse the decline in numbers of England’s animals, plants and fungi. Barry Gardiner I have been working closely with Natural England to provide a steer on our key Departmental priorities, which include our commitment to halt the loss of England’s biodiversity by 2010. It is the responsibility of Natural England’s Board to ensure that the organisation fulfils the aims and objectives set by my Department, including determining how best to deploy its available resources. I am confident that the grant in aid settlement which I will shortly be announcing for Natural England, should allow it to deliver its Species Recovery Programme.