Official Publications Mr. Hayes To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs to whom her Department sent copies of unprinted Command Paper 72 of Session 1999-2000, on Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties. Margaret Beckett The Government’s Response to the Procedure Committee’s Second Report of Session 1999-2000, Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties, (HC 210) was laid before the House as an unnumbered Command Paper on 31 October 2000. Two copies were laid before each House, and 100 further copies were sent to the Vote Office where they were available for consultation. There is no information available to indicate whether separate copies of the above response were sent to any other addressees on or after 31 October 2000. I have placed a copy of the above response in the Libraries of both Houses. An electronic version was placed on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website following presentation to the House, where it may be currently viewed at (section on UK Treaty Practice and Procedures).