Health: Diabetes Lord Morris of Manchester asked Her Majesty's Government: What consideration they have given to the report Diabetes and the Disadvantaged—reducing health inequalities in the United Kingdom from Diabetes UK and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes; and whether they will take any action as a result of its recommendations. [HL173] The Minister of State, Department of Health (Lord Warner) The Government are aware of the report from Diabetes UK and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes: Diabetes and the Disadvantaged—reducing health inequalities in the United Kingdom. The Government fully acknowledge that diabetes has a disproportionate impact in areas suffering from deprivation, and that tackling both the condition and its associated complications pose special challenges for those communities. To tackle this, we have established a number of spearhead areas focusing on specific areas of high deprivation, where additional resources to improve healthcare have been provided. The introduction of primary care commissioning, with its focus on developing a comprehensive needs assessment for all groups within a local healthcare community, will also reinforce the need to recognise the diverse needs of differing groups.