Cinematograph Films Act 22. Mr. DAY asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of applications that have been made to his Department during the previous 12 months by exhibitors who have requested that a certificate of exemption be issued to them on account of their having found it impracticable to comply with the quota previously, as set out in the Cinematograph Films Act; and how many of such certificates have been granted? Mr. W. GRAHAM 135 submissions have been made by exhibitors during the last 12 months, and, after consultation with the Advisory Committee, certificates have been issued in eight cases that the reasons for non-compliance with the quota requirements were reasons beyond the exhibitor's control. Mr. DAY Does the right hon. Gentleman himself consider these applications, or do they go before the Advisory Committee? Mr. GRAHAM I should require notice as to the precise manner of dealing with them. All I can say is that I do not deal with them personally. Mr. DAY Does the right hon. Gentleman consider it fair to these independent exhibitors that they should have to go before their trade competitors? Mr. PYBUS While the Committee is dealing with those who find it impracticable to comply with the quota, will those be dealt with who for years have shamelessly exceeded their quota? I refer to those who put questions in this House. 23. Mr. DAY asked the President of the Board of Trade whether there have been any changes during the previous 12 months in the advisory committee appointed under the Cinematograph Films Act, 1927, and can he give particulars; and whether he has been asked by any independent cinema exhibitors to appoint one of their number on this committee? Mr. GRAHAM I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave him an this subject on 1st July last, since which date there has been no further change. The answer to the latter part of the question is in the negative. Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE Does the right hon. Gentleman still intend to continue these proceedings? Mr. GRAHAM I am afraid that the hon. and gallant Member's supplementary question must refer to another question.