Low Carbon Buildings Programme Mr. Drew To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry for what reasons grants of up to £30,000 will no longer be available for small community groups under Phase 1 of the Low Carbon Buildings Programme. Malcolm Wicks The higher than anticipated demand from the household stream under the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 1 meant that the limited funds available to householders would have been exhausted by early 2007. As a result, we announced on 25 October 2006 that £6.2 million from the £28.5 million budget would be re-allocated to the household stream in order to satisfy demand through to June 2008. This re-allocation of funding to the household stream was made possible by transferring the majority of pubic and non-profit sector projects to the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 2, where £50 million of funding is being made available to specifically support projects in the public and non-profit sectors. Mr. Drew To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry for what reasons a monthly cap of £500,000 has been introduced on grant allocations to domestic renewable energy installers under Phase 1 of the Low Carbon Buildings Programme. Malcolm Wicks Since the launch of the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 1 in April 2006, the higher than anticipated demand from the household stream meant that the limited funds available to householders would have been exhausted by early 2007. By introducing a monthly cap, it will contribute to funding household installations through to June 2008, when some of our wider measures to promote microgeneration should be taking hold. Mr. Drew To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what the budget is of the Low Carbon Building Programme. Malcolm Wicks The programme has a total budget of £80 million divided into two phases. When the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 1 was launched in April 2006, there was a budget of £30 million to be allocated to successful projects over three years. Of this amount, £1.5 million was brought forward for use on the Clear Skies and Solar PV Major Demonstration Programmes to smooth the transition between these legacy programmes, and the Low Carbon Buildings Programme. A further £50 million has been made available for the Low Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 2, which was launched in December 2006, providing funding specifically for the public and non-profit sectors.