Research: Finance Dr. Gibson To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what steps the Government are taking to ensure that it funds research that complements other research going on around the world. Malcolm Wicks In response to the Government’s Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-14 the Global Science and Innovation Forum (GSIF) published its strategy for international engagement in research and development in October 2006. This strategy sets out a framework of objectives to prioritise and co-ordinate the UK’s international engagement in research and development. The Government are also working to ensure effective co-ordination of national research activities with other European Union countries as part of the European Research Area through UK participation in the EC Framework Programme. All research councils in Research Councils UK (RCUK) take account of international research in developing their strategies and determining their funding priorities. This includes engaging with international experts for the peer review of funding applications and the establishment of Memoranda of Understanding with counterpart organisations in other countries. Each research council has an international strategy which sets out its priorities for international engagement.