Departmental Travel Mr. Heald To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what his Department’s expenditure was on foreign travel including accommodation in (a) 1996-97 and (b) 2005-06. Mr. Byrne Separate records were not kept of foreign accommodation costs in 1996-97 and could be provided only at disproportionate cost. Costs of foreign accommodation in 2005-06 were £3,775,458. The increase in costs over the period reflects the changing nature of the Home Office’s business, in particular the growth of international terrorism, migration and international travel. Collaboration and information exchange with other countries on counter-terrorism activities and border control have become increasingly critical to the effective discharge of the Department’s responsibilities for asylum, immigration and national security. This has involved higher levels of overseas travel. For ministerial foreign travel, which is included in the above, I refer the hon. Member to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister on 19 December 2006, Official Report, column 1808W.