Police Mr. Ruffley To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what percentage of police time was spent on frontline duties by (a) Suffolk, (b) Bedfordshire, (c) Cambridgeshire, (d) Essex, (e) Hertfordshire and (f) Norfolk constabularies in each year since 1997. Mr. McNulty Information on time spent by police officers on front line duties has been collected since 2003-04 and is set out in the following table. ---------------- |Percentage | ---------------- |Force |2003-04|2004-05|2005-06|20081| ---------------- |Bedfordshire |63.7|63.3|62.1|68.5| ---------------- |Cambridgeshire|61.7|60.3|70.7|69.3| ---------------- |Essex |56.9|60.9|62.7|70.3| ---------------- |Hertfordshire |60.8|62.9|64.2|73.0| ---------------- |Norfolk |59.8|62.9|66.7|70.3| ---------------- |Suffolk |62.4|60.6|59.5|68.5| ---------------- |1 Target. | ---------------- Ben Chapman To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people are employed in non-geographic police forces; and what the total budget was for all such forces in the last period for which figures are available. Mr. McNulty The non-geographical police forces, i.e. those which are established by legislation other than the Police Act 1996, are the responsibly of a number of sponsoring Secretaries of State but not the Home Secretary. The Home Office does not collect data on their total staffing and budgets.