Construction Lynne Jones To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what assessment he has made of the adequacy of skills in the construction industry; and if he will make a statement. Phil Hope I have been asked to reply. The assessment of the skills needs of a sector is one of the key roles of sector skills councils (SSC). ConstructionSkills, the SSC for the construction sector, launched the construction skills network in 2005 to draw upon the knowledge and experience of construction companies, construction clients, education and training providers, Government and Regional Agencies across the UK. The construction skills network has achieved a consensus as to the future skills and training needs of the industry. ConstructionSkills is working with Government and a range of partners to ensure those needs can be met. The latest Construction Skills Network report, covering the period up to 2010, is available on the ConstructionSkills website. The report provides a regional view of skills needs across all construction occupations. It will be updated later this year.