Departmental Expenditure Mr. Heald To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how much was spent on the (a) Delivery Unit, (b) Strategy Unit and (c) Office of Public Service Reform in each year since its creation; whether each unit forms part of 10 Downing street; and what the remit and function of each unit is. Hilary Armstrong For details of how much was spent on the (a) Delivery Unit, (b) Strategy Unit and (c) Office of Public Service Reform in each year since its creation to 2004-05, I refer the hon. Member to the answer given to him by the then Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office (Jim Murphy) on 27 February 2006, Official Report, column 43W. Costs for the Delivery Unit (DU), Strategy Unit (SU) and Office of Public Service Reform (OPSR) in 2005-06 can be found in the following table: -------------------- | |Amount (£000)| -------------------- |DU |5,173 | -------------------- |SU |3,348 | -------------------- |OPSR|1,081 | -------------------- The figures shown are for total resource spend less any income. The Delivery Unit, the Strategy Unit and the Office of Public Service Reform do not form part of the Prime Minister’s Office. For details of the remit and function of the Delivery Unit and Strategy Unit, I refer the hon. Member to the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2005-06 (Pages 12 and 13). For details of the remit and function of the Office of Public Service Reform, I refer the hon. Member to the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Resource Accounts 2003-04 (Page 8). The Office of Public Service Reform was disbanded in January 2006. Copies of these reports are available in the Library and are also available on the Cabinet Office website at: