Defence: Expenditure Mr. Harper To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether he will revise the Defence Planning Assumptions prior to the Comprehensive Spending Review; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Ingram Our assessment of the likely strategic context our armed forces will be operating in, the tasks they will be required to undertake and the capabilities they will need informs the CSR process. This assessment is also the basis on which we formulate the Defence Planning Assumptions. The Planning Assumptions themselves are routinely reviewed as part of the Department’s strategic planning cycle. This work is under way and will be completed in spring 2008. Mr. Harper To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what work his Department is undertaking in preparation for the comprehensive spending review; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Ingram As with all Departments, the Ministry of Defence is engaged in the process of analysing its requirements and preparing material for the comprehensive spending review 2007. The Department also meets regularly with HM Treasury at both official and ministerial level to discuss progress towards comprehensive spending review 2007.