Warships: Procurement Dr. Julian Lewis To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the (a) Royal Navy warships and (b) Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels (i) on which design work began and (ii) for which orders have been placed since the 1997 general election. Mr. Ingram [holding answer 8 February 2007]: Orders for the following Royal Navy warships and Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels have been placed since May 1997: Royal Navy Type 45 Anti-Air Warfare Destroyers: Daring Dauntless Diamond Dragon Defender Duncan Echo class Survey vessels: Echo Enterprise River class Offshore Patrol vessels: Tyne Severn Mersey Clyde Royal Fleet Auxiliary Bay class Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliaries): Largs Bay Lyme Bay Mounts Bay Cardigan Bay This excludes any vessels chartered for Royal Fleet Auxiliary use and the six-ship RoRo Strategic Sealift PFI service. Design work on all of the above-named vessels began after May 1997. In addition, design work is under way on the two new aircraft carriers.