Biofuels: North West Region Mr. Hoyle To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what steps his Department has taken to promote alternative fuels in the north-west in the last five years. Dr. Ladyman The Government encourage the use of alternative fuels through reduced rates of Vehicle Excise Duty for cars run on certain alternative fuels and registered after 1 March 2001, and through differentials in fuel duty between petrol and diesel and other fuels. There are no specific initiatives for the north-west. The Government also provide funds to the Energy Saving Trust to run an Infrastructure grant programme. The grants assist the building of refuelling stations for alternative fuels (natural gas/biogas, hydrogen and bio-ethanol). The Government are also due to introduce a Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation in April 2008 which will ensure a significant and stable market for biofuels in the UK, and is likely to mean that biofuels are available in low blends at the majority of forecourts in the UK.