Taxis: Kent Mr. Holloway To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how much has been spent on improving safety for taxi drivers in (a) Gravesham and (b) Kent in the latest period for which figures are available. Gillian Merron The Department does not hold any figures on how much is spent on improving safety for taxi drivers by local authorities and other local bodies. However, we are aware that a number of initiatives have been funded through local transport plans, crime and disorder reduction partnerships and similar sources. Recognising the importance of safety, we are, at the national level, funding a research project into the personal security of taxi and PHV drivers and relevant measures that can be taken to improve the position. The project began in January and is expected to take 12 months to complete. Also included in the best practice guidance to taxi and PHV licensing authorities is the advice that authorities should look sympathetically on, or actively encourage, installation in vehicles of measures to improve drivers' safety. Attention has also been drawn to Home Office information on crime reduction measures including the provision of CCTV.