Avian Influenza: North West Region Mr. Hoyle To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what strategies his Department has in place to combat (a) avian influenza and (b) foot and mouth disease in the North West. Mr. Bradshaw The key to effective disease control is good surveillance, early detection and rapid response. DEFRA’s Contingency Plan for Exotic Animal Diseases, which is available on the DEFRA website, covers arrangements for response to outbreaks of avian influenza and foot and mouth disease. Our contingency planning was tested by the avian influenza case in Suffolk earlier this year and it coped well. The North West Regional Resilience Forum has drafted a North West Exotic Animal Disease Plan that complements DEFRA’s plan and would be implemented in the event of an outbreak requiring a response from the full range of regional resilience partners. DEFRA has also issued extensive guidance to bird and livestock keepers on biosecurity measures to protect their stock from animal diseases, including avian influenza and foot and mouth disease.