Tour Operators: Mergers Mr. MacNeil To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will discuss the implications of the competition issues arising from the TUI-First Choice merger in the UK package holiday market with the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection; and if he will make a statement. Mr. McCartney [holding answer 28 March 2007]: Ministers have no plans to discuss this matter with representatives of the European Commission. The regulatory control of mergers is a matter for the relevant independent competition authorities with cases considered on grounds of their impact on competition in the relevant market. Ministers have no role in this process although they do retain certain powers to intervene in cases that raise narrowly defined public interest concerns. I would welcome any further information from the hon. Gentleman which may be helpful to the regulators. Mr. MacNeil To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will hold discussions with (a) the Office of Fair Trading and (b) the Competition Commissioner on the state of the UK market in foreign package holidays. Mr. McCartney Ministers have no plans to discuss this matter either with the Office of Fair Trading or with representatives of the European Commission. The regulatory control of mergers is a matter for the relevant independent competition authorities with cases considered on grounds of their impact on competition in the relevant market. Ministers have no role in this process although they do retain certain powers to intervene in cases that raise narrowly defined public interest concerns. I would welcome any further information from the hon. Gentleman which may be helpful to the regulators. Mr. MacNeil To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) what representations he has received from consumer groups on the competition implications for the UK package holiday market of the proposed TUI-First Choice merger; (2) what representations he has received from (a) independent and (b) non-vertically-integrated tour operators on the competition implications for the UK package holiday market of the proposed TUI-First Choice merger. Mr. McCartney Ministers have received no representations on this matter. The regulatory control of mergers is a matter for the relevant independent competition authorities with cases considered on grounds of their impact on competition in the relevant market. Ministers have no role in this process although they do retain certain powers to intervene in cases that raise narrowly defined public interest concerns. I would welcome any further information from the hon. Gentleman which may be helpful to the regulators.