Housing: Hartlepool Mr. Iain Wright To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many (a) affordable and (b) social houses were built in Hartlepool constituency in each of the last five years. Yvette Cooper The numbers of affordable and social rent homes provided in Hartlepool in each of the last five years are tabled as follows. Some affordable homes are provided through the acquisition and refurbishment of dwellings purchased on the open market, these figures have been included. Affordable housing has been classified to include homes for social and intermediate rent as well as those provided thorough low cost homeownership schemes. Local authorities can require contributions towards affordable housing as part of Section 106 agreements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | |All affordable homes|Of which: social rent| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |2001-02 |7 |7 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |2002-03 |0 |0 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |2003-04 |25 |14 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |2004-05 |14 |14 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |2005-06 |0 |0 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |Source:Housing Corporation| | | -----------------------------------------------------------------------